Clear, concise, cost-effective advice

My expertise in family law ensures you the best representation and advice for your situation.
→ Sorting out child care arrangements
→ Resolving guardianship disputes around issues like schooling, moving towns/countries, and others
→ Relocation disputes, both domestic and overseas
→ Oranga Tamariki (previously Child Youth and Family) proceedings
→ Paternity
→ Representing children in the Family Court
→ Contracting Out (or “pre nuptial”) agreements
→ Property division following separation, including Property Agreements or court applications
→ Spousal maintenance
→ General estate planning advice
Other Family Court Work
→ Applying for or defending against Protection Orders
→ Applying for and defending restraining orders
→ Claims against estates, including Family Protection Act and Testamentary Promises claims
→ Drafting Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney
→ Making Court applications when a loved one is unable to make decisions for themselves (which are called PPPR applications)